Marketing covers a lot of territory. Commercials. Tiktok. Insta. Billboards. Magazines. Podcasts. Even full-length movies.
Brands cover, well, just about everything. From the clothes we wear to the cars we drive.
Commercialism has invaded every facet of our lives—from the Pampers gift bag in the maternity ward to the pine-box, sustainable funerals that will set you back a cool $5000.
Here you will find information on what marketing is, how it gets you to buy now and what aspects of your life are being invaded for corporate profit.

Why do MLMs still exist?
MLMs have gotten a lot of attention over the last five years due to a combination of scathing press reports and a burgeoning antiMLM movement. So why do these companies still exist?

He Gets Us ad campaign is not what you think
This campaign for Jesus is not what you think